Surprised by “Surprised by Grace”

Last week I started, and finished, Tullian Tchividjian’s Surprised by Grace. I had heard a lot of buzz about this book, but was still totally unprepared for how good it actually was. Tullian does not stumble into the common pastoral pit of simple transcription, i.e. of writing books from sermons that were meant to be heard and not read. He clearly confesses that this book was the result of a sermon series and that he used much of that sermon material in the book. However, Pastor Tchividjian delivers an extremely well written and readable account of the book of Jonah that feels like a book should feel. It is weighty at points, but also fun. It has an incredibly well-timed habit of referring the reader to artwork – both ancient and classic – to help get a feel for the reality of Jonah’s situation. And, Tullian also turns a few phrases that are just fun to read, like “aggressive affection” and “magnificent defeat.” Ultimately, I think you should read this book. Chances are that it won’t change your life, but it might just change your heart.

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